
this one time at dance camp...

this summer has started off with a bang. i just got back from dance camp. it's hosted by folk tours and organized by artemis (she's amazing!!!), a dance guru based in the d.c. area. my two halawah sisters made it up on friday night, and i got there saturday morning. i finally learned some dabke steps. it's a lebanese line dance that i should have picked up at some point in my life, but somehow managed to remain inept at line dancing. the dabke that was taught was palestinian style. soooo much fun. and so much work! i was exhausted. i haven't gotten that crazy of a workout since my biking days.
i overheard someone say something about how we all turn into goofy kids when we're at camp. it's so true. hmm...and another thing i overheard - "women are more flexible than men because they're muscles aren't as well developed as men's." um, i don't know about you, but i've seen some women who were more muscular than most of the men i know. not in the steriod-lost-their-femininty type of way either. plus, i think every woman who spent 5 hours in one day dancing has a significant amount of muscular development in at least the leg region. people say stupid things sometimes.
anyway...back to being a kid...camp was so much fun. there were some amazing teachers. and! i met two dancers from chicago. i was so excited! it's my first contact with people who are going to be in my new town. they dance and teach at the studio i was checking into, so now i have a better connection to the chicago dance scene.
overall, a great weekend. i can't wait for next year. i have to start putting $5/week into my savings account now!


5 weeks

it's down to 5 weeks until i'm unemployed. and, in case you forgot, it's just 1 more week to my birthday!!! i love my birthday.


Got the giggles

Question: Where does the sense of self-importance prevail from and why should it, in some human, supercede general politeness to other human?

It's kind of funny, the folks I talk to from day to day. Some of them handle Billions of dollars a day and are down to earth and genial. Others have a funny self inflated sense that b/c the have a Wall Street address, they are the most important person and must speak with whom ever they please and when ever they please.

They make me giggle=)


helter skelter

so, 6 weeks left to go for work as of this past monday. i had visions of skating. surfing the internet, talking to my friends, gossiping about work. then, monday i get into work...late for the 7:30 mtg as usual...and walk into someone coming out of the meeting. "hey, did you hear the annoucement?" so my boss was removed from his position on friday. my direct co-workers and i had no clue. it was pretty bad the way everything went down. now there's a new boss. i don't like change. isn't it enough that i'm packing up my whole life and leaving the state of virginia? not sure i like the new boss; he seems to be a closet bully. but the VP totally loves this guy, so it doesn't really matter what i think. thankfully, i only have 5 weeks starting next tuesday (i love holidays!!!). if i didn't need the money for rent, i'd probably walk.
thank god for dancing. this weekend is dance camp. 3 full days of dancing and music and glorious revelry in the woods. or something like that. not sure what to expect. i only know one of the instructors and i'm sure i'll know people when i get there - plus going with 2 of my halawah sisters. so, no matter what, it should be fun. just not looking forward to packing.
packing....i really hate packing. i like to take as little with me as possible when i travel. but dance camp - costumes, makeup, practice clothes...on and on. holy ghawazee batman! which leads to an even bigger dilemma...i'm a total packrat and i have to undertake a giant purging effort before packing to move to chicago. give me strength! and a couple of bossy friends who want to tell me what i don't need...
side note...if you noticed the contradiction that i like to pack light when i travel, but at home i'm a giant packrat - i say this to you: i'm entitled; i'm a gemini.


LOOOOOOOvin YOOOOOU is easy cuz yoe beau TI ful....

la la la lala
lalalala la
lalala lala la laaaaa




so, having been a veggie (no beef, no pork, no poultry, no fish) for ~9 years, i started eating fish. the fish thing has been going on since last august. so far my extravagant fish-eating includes mostly tuna salad sandwiches. occasionally, i would even order fish at a restaurant. today, i mark my first adult meal, cooked by me, to include flesh-food. i baked a cut of salmon. all by myself. and i wasn't even that grossed-out by it. feel free to be stunned and amazed by my skills.


buena or no buena

sometimes people say stuff to you that you take the wrong way and even if it wasn't intended to hurt you it does. when that happens i wonder why i'm so psycho. then i remember...it's hereditary! i come from a line of folks who like to make themselves crazy over stuff. it's just the way it is.
ok, now that that's done...i was totally loving buena girl on this week's mucha lucha. when asked to translate something..."...or something like that; my spanish isn't that good." when we all know of course her spanish is buena.
buena...i bought scrubs on dvd!!! i love that damn show.
no buena...i fell asleep watching it on friday night.
buena...dance recital tonight. it was fun. i love it.
no buena....that's probably my last recital with this group. i'm going to miss it a lot.
buena...my friends & family are the best.
no buena...i'm going to be sad without them in chicago...unless they come to visit a whole lot!!!
buena...despite getting sad and upset for no reason, this was a good weekend.


AH HA! the flea has arrived....

The Flea
Originally uploaded by sieiro.


i keep on dancin'

i went to a new dance class tonight. after, i went out for a snack with the instructor (mezze in adams morgan - i've been wanting to check it out for a while - yummy). parked in the giant yuppy parking garage...fitting since i have my yuppy SUV (until i become a ward of the gov't...). the best part:
so, the car in front of me exiting the parking garage didn't have enough $$ to get out. guess what kind it was...a freaking mercedes. i think they were trying to talk the ticket-taker guy into letting them out. HA! he made them pull over and put a cone behind their car. it was two young american-asian girls; very cute, but not cute enough! bonus...i think he was supposed to charge me $10, but he charged me $5 - probably because i was nice & patient...
the worst part:
why do you always meet fun people you click with when you're about to undertake a huge life transition and won't be able get to know them. i think i have that senior-itis problem where you have to have one last meaningful thing (usually a hook-up) before you move on.
anyway...i read the "sisterhood of the travelling pants" book the other day and i'm all sappy...'night.

The Time Has Come...

Today, we begin a most excellent journey into the the relm of the internet web -blog

the summer of change

the countdown:
16 days until my 30th birthday (get busy on the shopping...)
36 days until mine & dad's trip to chicago to find me a place to live
45 days until i am unemployed and a ward of the government (and my dad)
13 weeks to make this summer count